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The String Theory Physics Illinois web site uses Google Analytics to generate information about how visitors use our site. It is based on Display Advertising (e.g., Remarketing, Google Display Network Impression Reporting, the DoubleClick Campaign Manager integration, or Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting).
This product provides us with the information necessary to improve our site to best fit the needs of our users. If you are concerned about your privacy, feel free to contact us with your questions, or you can opt out of this program. To opt out, click the following button.
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The String Theory Physics Web site has links to other Web sites. These include links to Web sites operated by Illinois agencies and officials, other government agencies, nonprofit organizations and private businesses. When a user leaves the String Theory Physics Web site and visits another site, the user is subject to the privacy policy of that new site. The University of Illinois is not responsible for the contents of any off-site pages referenced. The user specifically acknowledges that the University of Illinois is not liable for the defamatory, negligent, inaccurate, offensive, or illegal conduct of other users, links, or third parties and that the risk of injury from the foregoing rests entirely with the user. Links from String Theory Physics Web site pages on the World Wide Web to other sites do not constitute an endorsement from the University of Illinois. These links are provided as an information service only. It is the responsibility of the user to evaluate the content and usefulness of information obtained from other sites. The String Theory Physics Web site contains links to other related World Wide Web sites and resources. Since the University of Illinois and its Web site is not responsible for the availability of these outside resources or their contents, the user should direct any concerns regarding any external link to its site administrator or webmaster.